3.5 Where do we start in an organization that wants to do this?

The Short Answer (1) Start small. Don’t do it for the whole enterprise in a single budget cycle. Try it out with your best managers. Work out the bugs so it is actually useful to them. Then… (2) Work from the bottom up.  Grow it up through your organization.  (3) … Read More

Marc3.5 Where do we start in an organization that wants to do this?

3.6 Where do we start in an organization that doesn’t want to do this?

The Short Answer 1. Start small and start with what you can do without “permission.”  2. Keep it low visibility and low risk until it is clearly useful Full Answer (1) The answer to this question very much depends on your position in the organization. The truth of the matter … Read More

Marc3.6 Where do we start in an organization that doesn’t want to do this?