The Short Answer Start with ends, work backward to means. What do we want? How will we recognize it? What will it take to get there? Be clear and disciplined about language. Use plain language, not exclusionary jargon. Keep accountability for populations separate from accountability for programs and agencies. Results … Read More
2.1 What are the basic ideas of results-based decision making and budgeting?
The Short Answer 1. Start with ends and work backward to means. 2. Use data to drive decisions, not just measure success or failure after the fact. 3. Results are desired conditions of well-being, the ends we want, for children, adults families and communities 4. Improving results means getting from … Read More
2.2 What is the difference between population well-being (Results-Based Accountability) and client well-being (performance accountability) and why is it important?
The Short Answer 1. Population accountability is accountability for the well-being of a whole population in a geographic area. Population accountability is bigger than any one program or agency or one level of government. In fact, it’s bigger than government. It requires the whole community, public and private partners to make a … Read More